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Filipino American History Month Resolution

Making American History for more than 425 years


The Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) has been observing October as Filipino American History Month since 1991. The month was established to commemorate the first documented landing of Filipinos in what is now known as the continental United States over 425 years ago.

FANHS was the first to pass a resolution to commemorate Filipino American History Month. Click here for the FANHS original proposal.

The United States Congress passed subsequent Resolutions to Recognize October as Filipino American History Month nationally in 2009, 2010, and in 2011. Thank you to all the friends of FANHS nationwide and in D.C. who made it possible.

Click here to download the full text from 2009: and here to read the September 29, 2010 Congressional Record: and here for the Senate Resolution from October 5, 2011.


House Resolution 780, in concurrence with Senate Resolution 298, read in its entirety as law:

“Whereas the earliest documented Filipino presence in the continental United States was on October 18, 1587, when the first “Luzones Indios” set foot in Morro Bay, CA, onboard the manila-built galleon ship Nuestra Senora de Esperanza;

“Whereas the Filipino American national historical Society recognizes the year 1763 as the date of the first permanent Filipino settlement in the United States in St. Malo, Louisiana, which set in motion the focus on the story of our Nation’s past from a new perspective by concentrating on the economic, cultural, social and other notable contributions that Filipino American have made in countless ways toward the development of the history of the United States;

“Whereas the Filipino American community is the second-largest Asian American group in the United States, with a population of approximately 3,100,000 people;

“Whereas Filipino American servicemen and servicewomen have a longstanding history in the Armed Forces from the Civil War to the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, including the 25,000 Filipinos who fought under the United States flag during WWII to protect and defend this country;

Whereas nine Filipino Americans have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force that can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the United States Armed Forces;

Whereas Filipino Americans are an integral part of the United States health care system as nurses, doctors, and other medical professions;

“Whereas Filipino Americans have contributed greatly to the fine arts, music, dance, literature, business, journalism, education, science, technology, government, politics, fashion, and other fields in the United States that enrich the landscape of the country;

“Whereas efforts should continue to promote the study of Filipino American history and culture, as mandated in the mission statement of the Filipino American National Historical Society because the roles of Filipino American and other people of color have been overlooked in the writing, teaching, and learning of Unites States history;

“Whereas it is imperative for Filipino American youth to have positive role models to instill in them the importance of education, complemented with the richness of their ethnicity and the value of their legacy; and

“Whereas Filipino American History Month is celebrated during the month of October 2009: Now, therefore, be it

“Resolved That the House of Representatives –

“Resolved That the Senate –

“(1) recognizes the celebration of Filipino American History Month 2009 as a study of the advancement of Filipino Americans as a time of reflection and remembrance, and as a time to renew efforts toward the research and examination of history and culture in order to provide an opportunity for all people in the United States to learn and appreciate more about Filipino Americans and their historic contributions to the Nation;

“(2) urges the people of the United States to observe Filipino American History Month 2009 with appropriate programs and activities.”

Senate Resolution 669