HISTORIC CONFIRMATION: Lorna Schofield as first Filipino American Federal Judge

lorna schofieldThe U.S. Senate voted 91-0 to confirm New York City Attorney Lorna Schofield to serve as a federal district court judge for the Southern District of New York. Schofield will be the first Filipino American to serve as an Article III federal judge. Article III judges are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and appointed lifetime tenure.[button type="simple_button_link" url="http://kayagrassroots.org/kaya-applauds-historic-confirmation-of-lorna-schofield-first-filipino-american-to-the-federal-bench/" target="on" ]Learn More at KayaGrassRoots.org »[/button][button type="simple_button_link" url="http://globalbalita.com/2012/12/14/u-s-senate-confirms-lorna-schofield-to-the-federal-court/" target="on" ]Learn More at GlobalBalita.com »[/button]


New publication Little Manila Is in the Heart: The Making of the Filipino American Community


Filipinos in Chinatown Will Be Honored on Nov. 17