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The 16th Biennial Filipino American National Historical Conference returns to New York in 2016!


16th Biennial Filipino American National Historical Society Conference

The Metro New York Chapter of the Filipino American National Historical Society is delighted to be hosting our biennial conference in 2016! We hope that conference attendees and participants will enjoy their time in the city that never sleeps. The  conference will be held from June 22- 25, 2016, primarily at John Jay College of Criminal Justice located at 524 W. 59th Street in Manhattan. Visit for more information. If you have any questions, please email

Call for Proposals


This year’s conference theme is Building with Our Roots. As we engage our families and communities, how has our individual and collective history/ies allowed us to build and grow? What can we learn from our experiences as Filipino Americans? We encourage and invite sessions that explore this theme as well as any other topics pertaining to Filipino-American experiences or histories.

Proposals may be submitted for individual papers or presentations (to be grouped with other individual submissions); panels (three or four papers or presentations on a single topic); roundtables (several individuals presenting personal accounts of specific historical events or experiences); and workshops (teaching research techniques or sharing research skills or sources).

Proposal is a 500 word synopsis of your presentation topic. Only one submission is necessary for a panel or roundtable.
To submit a call for proposal for your workshop, panel, presentation or roundtable, please visit:

This year’s conference theme is “A Pinay/Pinoy State of Mind: Building with Our Roots.” FANHS- Metro New York chose this theme to focus on our history while building our future legacies.

Our conference will feature all the traditional components of previous FANHS Conferences:

  • A Tour of the City
  • Phenomenal Keynote Speakers
  • Plenary Sessions and Workshops
  • FANHS Town Hall Meeting
  • Filipino American Authors Reception
  • Banquet/ Gala with Dancing, Silent Auction, and More

Our newest components that we will be adding this year, to add our New York City flare include:

  • A Fashion Show with local, established Filipino American designers
  • A Filipino American Film Festival featuring contemporary and fan favorite films from the past.

Majority of the Conference will be held at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (located in central Manhattan). Hotel blocks have been reserved for three hotels in Midtown Manhattan (just blocks from the conference location). And our banquet/ gala will be held on the Hornblower Infinity – a cruise boat that will tour the Hudson River, with up close views of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Brooklyn Bridge, the World Trade Center, and more!


FANHS Conference Dates and Locations

Main Conference Location

The  conference will be held from June 22- 25, 2016, primarily at John Jay College of Criminal Justice located at 524 W. 59th Street. Our newly renovated building can consists of large lecture halls for our plenary sessions, dining area for our meals and other activties, and many classrooms for breakout sessions. All classrooms are smart classrooms, with access to PowerPoint, projectors, audio, etc. Our lecture halls will also have capacity for live streaming.   The building where our conference will be held has been featured on many television shows, including Law & Order: SVU, Girls, Nurse Betty, and the feature film, Annie.


We have secured hotel room blocks at three hotels: the Holiday Inn, the Hudson Hotel, and the Skyline Hotel, which range from two to ten blocks from John Jay College.

Holiday Inn on W. 57th St
Group Rate = $  239.00/ night
Valid until 5/22/16 or until full. Group Code:  XFN

Hudson Hotel on W. 58th St
Group Rate = $ 205.00/ night
Valid until 4/22/16 or until full. Use link above, or call (702) 577-2830 or (800) 606-6090
Group name: FANHS 16th National Conference/ Group Code: FI2216

Skyline Hotel on 10th Avenue & W. 50th St(
Group Rate= $189.00/ night
Valid until 5/22/16 or until full.  Promo Code : 160622fili


FANHS Conference Programs/ Activities


One of the traditional components of the conference is the Tour of the Host City.  We will be using one of our local tour bus companies for a FANHS Group Tour on June 22, 2016 in the daytime.  (More info to come in early 2016).  Local FANHS members will escort groups of FANHS participants all over New York City.  (Tour prices are separate from general registration prices).

Film Festival

A new component for our FANHS conference in New York is a film festival!  Marisa Aroy, Emmy-award winning producer (as well as producer/director of critically acclaimed Delano Manongs) invites submissions of Filipino American movies from the past and present.  A Film Festival room will be feature various films during all of the breakout sessions of the conference.

Authors Panels

It has been a tradition for authors who have published books over the past two years to share their works during an Authors Reception. Given the amazing increase in pinay/pinoy authors over the years, we have decided to have an Authors Panel everyday of the conference. On Thursday night (6/22/16), we will host an invited authors panel featuring New York Times bestseller Mia Alvar.

Fashion Show

Another new component for our FANHS conference in New York is a fashion show, which will take place on .  Given the number of up-and-coming pinay/pinoy fashion designers in New York, several designers will highlight some of their work, focusing on Filipino/Filipino-American-inspired themes and concepts.

Children/Youth Program

FANHS welcomes young people of all ages to join us for our conference. We will have activities for children (toddlers, elementary school) and adolescents and young adults (middle school, high school).


Our banquet will be held on Saturday June 25, 2016 on The Hornblower Infinity ( The Hornblower is a ship that will sail us on the Hudson River, passing some historic sites like the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center Memorial, Ellis Island, and more. Enjoy an evening of buffet dinner, open bar of wine and beer, and performances by local artists.  (Banquet prices are included in Conference Registration Prices!)


Schedule at a Glance

Download Schedule PDF (updated 06/07/2016)



FANHS Session Descriptions

Session 1: Filipinos in New York City (Invited Panel)

Dolores Fernandez Alic, Joey Tabaco, Cecile Sison, RJ Mendoza-Nadal, Alexandra Thomas

Filipinos have been present in the Metropolitan New York area since the early 1900s. After the Spanish American War in 1898, many students (mostly male) enrolled at local institutions like Columbia University, New York University, and Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Filipino military service men immigrated to New York after both World War I and World War II. Filipinos formed settlements in various ethnic enclaves in New York and New Jersey, in neighborhoods like Woodside, Jackson Heights, and Jamaica in Queens; Bushwick in Brooklyn; and Jersey City, NJ. Filipinos have contributed significantly to New York arts and culture, through Broadway, fashion, music, film, comedy, hip-hop, poetry, and dance. Filipino Americans have also been involved in NYC history, including the Civil Rights Movement, the rise and fall of Wall Street, and sadly were even victims of 9/11. Members of FANHS-Metropolitan New York will share historical experiences of Filipino Americans in the greater New York City area from the 1920s until present.

Session 2: Showing Our Mettle: The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project

Ben de Guzman and Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetsREP)

This workshop will provide an overview of the work of the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetsREP) to ensure an enduring legacy for Filipino World War II veterans. Workshop presenters will provide perspective and training on three components of FilVetsREP work: 1) Congressional Advocacy: Community advocates and political operatives will provide training on advocacy for legislation for a Congressional Gold Medal for Filipino WWII veterans; 2) Academic/ Educational: History professors will review the archive data and present work on preparing an educational curriculum; 3) Veterans Registration: A training will provide information about how historians and community members can contribute information about surviving veterans to a comprehensive database.

Session 3: Researching Family History and Genealogies

Barbara Gaerlan, Devin Israel Cabanilla

“Building with Our Roots” can be easier if we have as much information as possible about our personal family history. Internet resources and DNA testing have expanded interest in recent years about genealogy. Still, the field is relatively young, and not all searches for ancestry are easy. This is especially true for Filipinos and Filipino Americans, whose searches can be complicated by family migration across continents and oceans; scarcity of records; multiple languages for those records which do exist; the ravages of war, poverty, and a tropical environment; and large, complicated, extended families. This workshop will provide some case studies on successful Filipino genealogical projects. It will also discuss some available resources such as online databases, software, and microfilms from the Philippines. Because of scientific research, health risks are also available based on genetic data (risk of heart attack, stroke, or Alzheimer’s). Audience participation is encouraged from 2nd & 3rd generation Filipino American participants. This workshop is useful for those who are disconnected from their family history and seek to expand it, and also those interested in genetics or health data. Archival records and genetic evidence bring light to the past and potential futures.

Session 4: Reflect, Recover, Rise Up: Transnational Community Organizing

By Young Pin@ys from 1970 to the Present

Ugnayan Youth for Justice and Social Change

Young Filipinxs have been and continue to be a powerful force in fighting for social change. We have led movements to challenge discrimination, racism, sexism, inequality, human rights violations, dictatorships, plunder and war. We have come together to build communities, organizations and alliances to transform society towards a vision of justice that every person and living thing deserves. But how many of us are connected to the stories, womxn, immigrants, US-born, LGBTQ, and young people survivors who have led these movements? Listen to first-hand testimonies from speakers representing various periods of progressive community organizing h@rstory. What victories and challenges have young people leading these movements faced? What lessons have we learned in the last 50 years? What remains to be done? How can we support young Filipinxs to lead strong movements for justice? Participants will be engaged in an interactive workshop as we reflect, recover and rise up to meet the call of our time!

Session 5: KASAMA: Finding Our Roots, Reclaiming Our Heritage

Felix Galicinao, Krystle Stanya, Raymund Liongson, Charmelaine Chantelle Ramento, and Divina Galicha

For several years now, KASAMA (PangKAalamang SAmahan ng mga MAg-aaral), the Philippine Studies Student Society at Leeward Community College, a campus of the University of Hawai`i, has created numerous venues for the youth to discover or rediscover their roots and take pride in their heritage. Its diverse and engaging initiatives, both on and off-campus, have served as a laboratory for leadership, community service, and learning about Filipino/Filipino American heritage, history, culture and arts. Its strength partly lies in its functional collaboration with other entities like the Filipino Community Center, the Philippine Consulate General of Honolulu, and various community organizations. In this round table discussion, students intend to share their experiences in KASAMA and how their involvement in the organization has helped them find their roots and reclaim their heritage. They also hope to learn from other conference participants how they can further strengthen and make relevant their programs toward understanding their roots and building their capacities.

Session 6: Filipinos in the Military

Ronald Buenaventura, Ray Obispo, Mark P. Cazem, Christopher Lapinig

This session will consist of three papers:

  1. Filipinos in the U.S. Navy: From Sangley Point to San Diego & Beyond by Ronald Buenaventura, Ray Obispo. This will be a thorough presentation on Filipino American life experiences, successes, and challenges with the U.S. Navy. This presentation begins with the recruitment of Filipinos in the Philippines at Sangley Point Naval Base, the boot camp experience at Naval Training Center in San Diego, and the various shore duties, deployments throughout the U.S. and world, and how the constant move and separation impacts the Filipino American family.
  2. Acculturalization of WWII War Brides by Mark P. Cazem. The presentation will focus on the circumstances surrounding the first meeting of my parents during the Battle for Leyte. While on a reconnaissance mission in the Ormoc Hills, was ambushed by a Japanese force. During the fire fight, S/Sgt. Ponce Cazem came upon a family hiding in a nearby cave. Among the families in the cave, was my mother. The families were hiding from the Japanese because their brother, had escaped from the Bataan Death March and helped organize a resistance organization on the Island of Leyte.
  3. Filipino Americans Stranded in the Philippines by Christopher Lapinig. This presentation will provide a history of the Amerasian community, an overview of the difficulties they face in the Philippines, and the legal challenges that prevent them from being reunited with their fathers, relatives, and fatherland. The presentation will also offer ways in which Filipino Americans can advocate on behalf of the Amerasian community, including calling on their congressional representatives to introduce and support an amendment to the Amerasian Act of 1982.

Session 7: Revisiting Aguinaldo, Rizal, Bonifacio and Antonio Luna: A Filipino American Perspective.

Eliseo Art Silva, Oscar Peneranda, Tony Santa Ana

With the recent phenomenal success of the 2015 blockbuster film, Heneral Luna which was shown in Philippine cinemas for 14 weeks and was selected as the country’s entry for the Foreign Language category at the Academy Awards and Golden globe, historical dramas is leading the way in opening doors wide open for Independent Films in the Philippines. Believed to be the first film created for millennials, it was social media that catapulted the movie to its record-breaking run. The movies lines and iconic characters soon found its way to popular culture. Sometimes great art sacrifices sound historical facts. Such was true with Hollywood`s own Braveheart and Gladiator; with many comparing Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo as the country`s answer to Braveheart; while Heneral Luna is the Philippines’ own equivalent to Gladiator. The panel will examine the role the Americans played in the canonization of Bonifacio, and the debate about Rizal or Bonifacio for a national hero, all taking place under the auspices of the newly established US colonial government.

Session 8: “Justice Denied”: A Reenactment of Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio (1989)

Concepcion Montoya and Filipino-American Lawyers Association of New York

The Filipino-American Lawyers Association of New York presents a trial reenactment of a landmark civil rights case involving the Filipino-American workers and activists in salmon cannery factories in Alaska and Seattle. We examine the proceedings, through roles played by members of the FALA-New York, that led to the Supreme Court’s decision in Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio. Asian Pacific Americans have been a part of the salmon canning industry in Alaska since the late 1800s. Starting in the 1920s, Filipinos became a main work force in the Alaskan canneries where they were relegated to fish house jobs, working long hours in poor conditions for low pay. In the 1970s, led by Filipino activists, the workers organized and filed three class actions, including Wards Cove. After a lengthy trial and multiple proceedings before the Ninth Circuit, the case reached the United States Supreme Court in 1989. The trial reenactment is based on the actual court documents used in the Wards Cove case from the time the lawsuit was filed through appeal.

Session 9: Multiethnic and Multiracial Filipino Americans (Invited Panel)

RJ Mendoza-Nadal, Stephanie Chrispin, Alexa Mark, Sarah Fajardo

According to the U.S Census, about one in five Filipino Americans in the United States is Multiracial or Multiethnic. Compared to other Asian American populations, Filipino American men and women are more likely to marry outside of their race, which may explain for this high multiracial or multiethnic population. Being multiracial or multiethnic may result in being able to take pride in multiple cultural backgrounds; however, there are many obstacles that multiracial and multiethnic Filipino Americans may face, including exclusion, exoticization, or being questioned on authenticity.

Session 10: How to Conduct Oral Histories

Emily Lawsin

What is Oral History? How can we use oral histories to learn about families and to build a sense of community? In this interactive workshop, participants will learn different strategies of how to prepare for, conduct, process, and present an oral history interview. Using role-playing exercises, we will explore opportunities and challenges that may be encountered during an oral history interview. We will focus on how to phrase questions to get the most out of an interview, while managing recording equipment. For more than 30 years, FANHS members have documented and presented oral histories in many creative ways throughout the country. Come learn how you can too.

Session 11: Adopted Filipinos in the Diaspora: From the Motherland to the Otherland

Lorial Crowder, MSW

The Filipino Adoptees Network (F.A.N) is a global organization dedicated to supporting, educating and promoting cultural awareness on adoption issues and preserving Filipino heritage. They accomplish the mission and initiatives by creating a resource center for Filipino adoptees, offering adoption and cultural connections to related web sites, and organizations. They also encourage adoptees to explore their heritage as Filipinos by providing a sensitive and nurturing setting and aim strengthen the network of Filipino adoptees and adoptive families by partnering with other adoptees and utilizing community resources.

Session 12: Filipino Americans in Education: Perspectives of Students, Teachers, and Administrators

Kristine Bacani, Rollie Carencia, Sarah Day Dayon, Karmela Herrera Billones, Michael Herrera, Leezel Ramos, Isabella Villacampa

This panel will provide diverse perspectives of Filipino Americans in education – ranging from student organization leaders, student affairs professionals, elementary school educators, and ethnic studies high school teachers. Presenters will share how identity and culture plays a vital role in student engagement and development especially with Filipino American students and other students of color. The presenters will discuss stories of bayanihan (spirit of community), pagtatagumpay (resilience and success), and katarungang panlipunan (social justice) and how it relates to their work in higher education. Participants will be able to ask questions, relate, and learn how our Filipino identity plays vital role in our work. We believe the power of storytelling and using these stories to impact a younger generation of Filipino Americans.

Session 13: The Kamalayan Project: Digital Stories of Filipino Mental Health

Heidi T. Tuason

The UCLA Asian American Studies Center-funded research project entitled “The Kamalayan Project: Freeing Unspoken Voices of Mental (Un)Wellness in the Filipino Community” aims to uncover stories of mental health challenges and stigma in the Filipino Community among students at UCLA, particularly with young Filipina women (Pinays), undocumented Filipinos, and LGBT Filipinos, utilizing the methodology of digital storytelling and story circles. This presentation will present upon the results of the Kamalayan Project, including the collection of at least 20 digital stories of mental health challenges in the Filipino community, particularly with young adult students. The presenter will also share the impact of the community screenings of the digital stories and facilitate dialogue discussions about mental health in Filipino community, among student organizations and community organizations.

Session 14: Filipino American Expression through Film & Fashion

Joe Mazares, Alicia Deleon Torres, Iris Gil Viacrusis

This panel will consist of two presentations:

  1. “The Impact of Hope: Documenting Community Stories” by Joe Mazares and Alicia DeLeon-Torres. The Impact of Hope is a documentary in progress exploring how ethnic communities develop and influence change for an inclusive California as seen through the Filipino immigrant journey and their hope for a better future. In this presentation/workshop, co-creators will share insights of the creative process and of the experiences gathered from their interviewees. The presentation will call for audience participation through sharing of personal narratives and reaction to the presentation.
  2. “Wear Pinoy, be Pinoy” by Iris Gil Viacrusis. As a fashion designer for more than 20 years who has lived in different places, the presenter’s experiences gave her a broad view of fashion and notice the lack of Pinoy or Pinoy Clothing that is. One of the questions that i hope to bring to light is, “Why Philippines clothing are not more out there and/or not appreciated by many including among Pilipinos?” The presenter will discuss perspectives about the origins of pinoy styles and fashion, with the main message that “To be Pinoy, You have to Wear Pinoy.”

Session 15: Filipino Americans and Cultural Values

Oscar Peñaranda, Anthony Abulencia Santa Ana, Leezel Tanglao, Louie Anne Batac

This panel will consist of three presentations:

  1. “Filipino and Filipino American sensibilities: a comparison” by Oscar Peñaranda and Anthony Abulencia Santa Ana. Presenters will discuss differences and sameness of sensibilities in Filipinos in the Philippines and Filipinos in the US, as well as core values, especially ones misunderstood.
  2. “Utang ng loob: Why I’m carrying the debt of two generations” by Leezel Tanglao. When the author became an accidental homeowner at age 25, she was surprised by the reaction she received when her piece was published on CNNMoney. Both Filipino and non-Filipino readers said the story was inspiring, but her decision was a no-brainer- a deep appreciation of utang ng loob (debt of reciprocity).
  3. “The sacrificial lamb: Perspectives of Tiis, Pakisama, and Hiya” by Louie Anne Batac. The values of tiis, pakisama, and hiya have undoubtedly served a critical role in making Filipino-Americans one of the most adaptable and resilient groups in Asian America today. To meet future challenges, it is equally critical for us to learn how we can adjust and build on these values for a better way of life in the United States and globally.

Session 16: The Filipino Food Movement

Nicole Ponseca, Neil Patrick Syham, Dawn Mabalon, Ph.D., RJ Kaleohano Nadal (Moderator)

In the past decade, Filipino American restaurants have emerged all over the United States, gaining popularity on many shows on The Food Network, food blogs, and mainstream media outlets like the New York Times. The current panel will consist of two restaurateurs who have increased the visibility of Filipino American cuisine, as well as an established academic/ historian who has studied the history of Filipino American food in the United States.

Session 17: Sikolohiyang Pilipino: The History of Filipino American Psychology (Invited Panel)

Judy Patacsil, Psy.D., Linda Revilla, Ph.D., EJ David, Ph.D., Krystel Salandanan, Psy.D., Nicole Elden, Ph.D., Mariecris Gatlabayan

The Asian American Psychological Association Division on Filipino Americans was created in 2010 to increase visibility of Filipino Americans in psychology. The current panel will focus on experiences and perspectives on the beginnings and continued growth of Filipino American Psychology. Participants will discuss their career trajectories, obstacles and challenges, and insights about ways to minimize mental health stigma in Filipino American communities. Finally, participants will highlight current research and clinical topics in Filipino American psychology, and address future directions for the field.

Session 18: Writing Our Memoirs and Stories

Victoria Santos, Maria Batayola

This panel will consist of two presentations:

  1. Writing a Memoir from Content to Publishing by Victoria Santos. Many of us have a story to tell or have families whose stories we feel should be told. This workshop explores the memoir form, discusses writing the memoir, ways to work with family to get their stories, and the pros and cons of self-publishing. The presenter will describe her process in working with her mother to write Memoirs of a Manang: The Story of a Filipina American Pioneer which was self-published in October 2015.
  2. Co-Write the Book of Pinays: HerStories by Maria Batayola. The presenter wants to rectify the underrepresentation of Filipina and Filipina American stories in documented history. Come join her workshop and write about a Pinay of interest to you. The herstories and photo(s) will be collected and compiled into an electronic book to be shared with workshop participants and FANHS in time for October – Fil Am History and Herstory Month.

Session 19: Activating the Head, Heart and Hands: How Community Murals Are Made

Eliseo Art Silva

This interactive workshop will integrate methods used by Artist, Eliseo Art Silva who has worked as a teaching artist for the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program for over a decade, using the Parachute Cloth method popularized by the City of Philadelphia, but traces its origins in Los Angeles. With over 30 years experience in painting murals, all over the east and west coast cities of the United States, participants will get a hands-on experience in painting an actual mural that will eventually become a permanent part of an ongoing public art project that will honor and commemorate the lives of the fallen victims of the San Bernardino massacre. This mural will eventually be part of a permanent mural in San Bernardino.

Session 20: St. Malo Island and the Manila Men

Claro de los Reyes & Andre Ignacio Dimapilis

This interactive workshop will have participants taking a journey through Filipino-American History to explore and discover what life was like in the 1700’s for the Manila Men on St. Malo Island. Theatre activities and Drama exercises will be used in this workshop to investigate artifacts and make critical decisions based the historical circumstances of the Manila Men. What were Manila Men willing to do for freedom? What did it take for Manila Men to survive? What does survival and freedom mean to the Manila men.

Session 21: Sariling Gawa Youth Council and Filipinos in Hawaii

Mia Luluquisen, Shirell Bell, Geordan Arenal, Erika Rachelle Dugay

This roundtable will consist of members of Sariling Gawa Youth Council (SG), which has provided 35 years of youth leadership development activities in Hawaii. The original focus on Filipino youth began with the 75th Anniversary of Filipinos in Hawaii, during a time when tensions between Hawaii-born and Philippine-born immigrant youth grew into violent confrontations. Community and university leaders in the public and private sectors of the Filipino community came together with address the issues facing Filipino youth—in education and employment. Annually since 1980, SG provides a Hawaii state-wide Filipino Youth Leadership Conference, in partnership with numerous schools, universities and community organizations, including the United Filipino Council of Hawaii and the YMCA. Presenters will share their experiences of SG’s creation in 1979-1980, and since then, the development and sustaining efforts to enhance the lives of Filipinos in Hawaii.

Session 22: Experiences of Filipino American College Students and Educators

Cynthia Rapaido, Atheneus Ocampo

This panel will consist of two presentations:

  1. “Educational Leaders’ To-Do List for Building Filipino and Filipino American Parent Engagement and Promoting Cultural and Social Capital” by Cynthia Rapaido. The purpose of this presentation is to create a To-Do list for Educational leaders about a) how to build school-family-community relationships specifically targeting Filipino and Filipino American parents; and b) how to promote and engender Filipino American students’ cultural and social capital. This presentation will cover best practices for building these relationships for a more successful school-family community.
  2. “Towards a Community College Pinoy Praxis: The Search for an Inclusive Space” by Atheneus Ocampo. Darder’s (2012) “Culture and Power in the Classroom” discussed the role of schooling in the process of social production and reproduction shaped by the manner in which the dominant culture is transmitted through educational practices. The current presentation takes up the call of Darder (2012) to work with a Pilipino/a student organization in creating an inclusive space in the schooling experience. The qualitative research presented will address the unjust issues rooted in the dominant structure of schooling. More specifically, it addresses issues and tensions related to the process of biculturalism that Pilipino/a students are required to navigate.

Session 23: “Images of Legacy: The Photographs of Ricardo Ocreto Alvarado”

Janet Mary Alvarado

From the treasured photographs of Photographer Ricardo Alvarado (1914 – 1976) a contemporary collaborative project emerges about San Francisco’s community and its heritage. In a nod to “Through My Father’s Eyes” the Smithsonian honored exhibition and national tour, and the recent “Compositions – A Filipino American Experience” curated by Alvarado’s daughter Janet, “Images of Legacy” showcases a lifeline with 40 new images, a publication showcasing the Filipino-Mexican and interracial subjects from the farm-rural subjects who provide an invaluable narrative and context to the photo documentary images by Filipino American Photographer Ricardo Ocreto Alvarado (1914-1976).

Session 24: Speaking up and Being Heard: Political Movements and the Filipino American Community

Gem Daus, Erwin de Leon

The purpose of this roundtable is to discuss research on the factors that lead to Filipino American invisibility in politics and ways for Filipinos to be more visible at all levels of elected office and government. The research will include quantitative analysis of existing data sets as well as key informant interviews. Preliminary data will be presented and the facilitators will seek input on interview subjects and questions.

Session 25: Writing about the activism of Filipino American women in Filipino community struggles

Mila De Guzman and Cindy Domingo

Discussants will cover the importance of writing about the role of Filipino American women in Filipino community struggles, from fighting against discrimination to organizing against the Marcos dictatorship to pursuing justice for the murders of Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes, anti-dictatorship and union activists. They will also share the influences that led them to activism and the barriers, including sexism, they had to overcome to assert themselves as leaders. The round table will use two books as examples: “Overthrowing a Dictator: Stories of Filipino and Filipino American women who fought against Marcos” by Mila De Guzman and the upcoming Union of Democratic Filipinos (KDP) book, co-edited by Cindy Domingo.

Session 26 Preserving and Promoting Philippine Culture Through Education – A Look At Three Filipino School Models

Myra O. Liwanag, Venessa Manzano, &Tony Olaes

Across the US, Filipino American communities have turned to cultural education programs to foster a sense of Filipino identity among children growing up in the U.S., to teach our children about the Philippines, and to strengthen families by bridging generational gaps. Over the years, however, Filipino cultural schools have come and gone, and the Filipino American community has changed. In this discussion, we will reflect on the stories of three distinct Filipino cultural schools and the different Filipino American communities they serve: The Filipino School (San Diego, founded in 2015), The Filipino School of New York & New Jersey (founded in 2008), and Iskwelahang Pilipino (Boston, founded in 1976). We will explore how each school got its start, how it grew over time, and how it has adapted to emerging community needs. By juxtaposing our stories, we will integrate what we have learned to identify best practices, potential pitfalls, innovative approaches, and, hopefully, inspire other Filipino American communities.

Session 27 – Filipino American College Student Activism and Empowerment

Erika Rachelle Dugay, Christopher Dugay, Arielyn Ortaleza, Ken Cabreros and Raymund Liongson

This session will consist of two papers:

  1. “San Francisco State University and Pilipino American Collegiate Endeavor: how a university program supports students’ academic success” by Erika Rachelle Dugay and Christopher Dugay. This roundtable aims to share college student experiences and stimulate dialogue about what educational and community programs can be developed for college students to be successful throughout the U.S. Filipino college graduates from San Francisco State University (SFSU) who had leadership roles in the Pilipino American Collegiate Endeavor (PACE) will share their respective experiences with PACE’s student-led organization that focuses on educating, embracing, and preserving the Filipino American culture during their collegiate experience.
  2. “”Social Media and Civic & Political Engagement among Filipino American Youth” by Raymund Liongson. Social media has become a popular communication mode among the youth. How is it contributing to the social awareness and civic and political engagement among the Filipino American youth in Hawaii? Some studies (Journalist’s Resource, 2015; Pew Research Center, 2013l Gilman and Stokes, 2014) have been previously made in this area yielding different results, but there remains to be limited investigations on the subject involving FilAm youths. With the 2016 elections, this study finds relevance in its examination of the type and degree of involvement among the youth in civic and political affairs. It also investigates how the use of social media advances, if ever, such involvement among this specific population.

Session 28 – Language, Labor, and Longing: Three Fulbright experiences in the Philippines

Jason Reblando, Grace Talusan, Joseph Legaspi

Since 1948 the Philippines and the United States have been carrying out educational exchanges involving students, academics and professionals through the prestigious Fulbright Program, an international exchange program whose mission is to increase mutual understanding and support friendly and peaceful relations between the people of the United States and people of other countries. The Philippine-American Educational Foundation (PAEF), a non-profit, bi-national organization has awarded Fulbright grants to nearly 3,000 Filipinos and close to 1,000 Americans for graduate degree study, teaching and research in the Philippines and the United States. In this session, three recent U.S. Fulbright scholars to the Philippines will share their research concerning the roles of language, labor, and longing of Filipinos in the world today.

Session 29- Filipino American Vietnam Veterans Oral History Video Recording

Dorothy Laigo Cordova, Ador Pereda Yano

FANHS Greater Seattle Chapter has developed a low-cost, easy-to-use, high-quality video recording kit that is being used for the FANHS Filipino American Vietnam Veterans Oral History Project. This workshop will demonstrate this media equipment and show video clips produced by this kit. This workshop will provide documentation for other interested chapters. Video sample:

Session 30: Filipino American Identity and Activism

Jessica Petalio, Steven De Castro, Esq., Miriam Santos-Amador & Angelica Varona Camar

This panel will consist of three presentations:

  1. “Exploring the Role of Filipina/o American Identity on the Relationship Between Microaggressions and Mental Health” by Jessica Petalio. Despite research showing that Filipina/o Americans are negatively impacted by racial microaggressions—subtle, verbal, or nonverbal exchanges that send denigrating messages towards people of color—there have been little to no studies researching how Filipina/o Americans protect themselves from harmful messages and acts of racism like microaggressions. Ethnic identity may be one construct that possibly protects Filipina/o Americans from their experiences of racial microaggressions. To this end, this study explores the possibility that ethnic identity may be moderating the relationship between racial microaggression experiences and mental health.
  2. “Filipino American Identity; From ‘Me’ to ‘We’” by Steven de Castro, Esq. The presenter argues that we need to move beyond the constricting project of Filipino identity and launch a new movement – the Filipino consciousness movement. Let’s shift the focus back from “me” to “we,” and start a conversation about what Filipinos can collectively achieve if they dedicated themselves to justice in the Philippines, in America and beyond.
  3. “Learning from our Collective History: Outcomes of values from post-1965 emigration of Filipinos” by Miriam Santos-Amador & Angelica Varona Camara

Sesson 31: Remembering 9/11 (Invited Panel)

Julian Tamayo, Michael Capito, RN, Angela Tolosa, Jan-Michael Llane, Kirklyn Escondo (Moderator)

September 11, 2001 was one of the most tragic days in recent American history. While 9/11 affected Americans all over the US, New Yorkers especially mourned the thousands that were killed on that day. There were at least two dozen Filipino Americans who died in the World Trade Center or among the four airline flights. Panelists will reflect about their own personal memories of 9/11, while discussing ways that Pinoy New Yorkers have been resilient since.

Session 32: The Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School: A Movement

Tracie Noriega, Joe Angeles, Don Del Pilar

December 18, 2015 marked the day that a school was dedicated to honor labor leaders, Larry Itliong and Philip Vera Cruz. The journey towards that epic moment was 23 years long, yet on that day, as Itliong- Vera Cruz Middle school was dedicated, we all stood with tremendous pride. True to the example that our Manongs had set for us, organizing towards this end necessitated partners and the Itliong Vera-Cruz Coalition was created. The IVC Coalition consisted of the New Haven Pilipino-American Society for Education, Filipino Advocates for Justice, Kaisahan, Filipino Heritage Studies, Fil-Am Veterans, various political offices including Assemblymember Rob Bonta, Asian Pacific-American Labor Alliance, and many more community members. The New Haven Pilipino-American Educators Association (NHPASE) would like to offer a session that illustrates not only the history of this movement, but will recount the direct actions by each faction of the coalition as we came closer to a decision made by our school board. A panel of presenters will describe the vital roles they played in the movement, including the student voices that created solidarity. Panel members will also present the strategies and lessons implemented by the Itliong Vera Cruz staff and students as they transitioned toward the name change.

Session 33: Presenting the My Baryo, My Borough Oral History Project: A hyper local approach to owning our Filipino American history collectively

Claro de los Reyes, Jennifer Quiambao

The presenter will share reflections on the 2015 iteration of the “My Baryo, My Borough” project which centralized the Filipino American legacy of Queens, NY. Attendees will sample sections of the multifaceted project which includes a hands-on workshop on the project’s approach to community-centered oral history collection and its possible reapplications to additional communities and contexts. “My Baryo, My Borough” uses art and creativity to celebrate the Filipino/Filipino-American community in Queens, NY. Through public art programs and creative story sharing, the project welcomes the broader NYC community in celebrating Queens through the Filipino / Filipino American lens. Central to the project is a community-based oral history project intended to collaborate with community members to document and share the local history of the Filipino Community in Queens, NY. My Baryo, My Borough 2015 culminated in a multidisciplinary public sharing that used video, audio, and live theatre.

Session 34: Why #BlackLivesMatter to Filipino Americans

Julman A. Tolentino

This workshop is an opportunity for us to stand up as allies and actually work towards the goal of ending anti-black racism. This workshop is an invitation to fight for liberation. But it is not just a fight for the African American community; it is a fight for our community and all communities that fall along this racial hierarchy. It is a fight for all individuals that are treated unjustly for the color of their skin. Ultimately, by fighting for the liberation of African Americans, we fight for our own liberation.

Session 35: Browns Acting Green: Pin@ys in the Climate Movement

Marni Halasa, Ermena Vinulan, Damayan Migrant Workers Association

Last year was the hottest one on record, and New York Fil-Ams took direct action in fighting global warming. These Fil-Am activists will demonstrate the necessity and advantage of the interconnectedness of many communities and issues – from climate justice to immigration rights to raising the minimum wage, etc. – and thus show that we are strengthened and honored by such interdependence.

Session 36: Preservation of Culture, Heritage & History: Tools for Economic & Community Development – the Filipino-American Experience in Hawaii

Iris Gil Viacrusis, Deanna Espinas, Michi Villaluz, & Rose Cruz Churma

The completion of the ‘Ola’a Sugar Mill in 1902 marked the growth of a plantation community around Kea’au, a town nine miles north of Hilo in the Island of Hawai’i. The ‘Ola’a Sugar Company built new family units and relocated outlying houses scattered about the plantation into nine main villages, one of which housed the newly recruited 15 sakadas who arrived in December 20, 1906. What was left of the old plantation town, particularly the remnants of how these early sakadas lived, is gone. As sugar mills closed down, the original habitats of the early sakadas were replaced or had disappeared due to neglect and disrepair. However, in the early 1970s a group of individuals determined to preserve the history of the plantation era, created a history museum that tells the story of the sugar plantations and includes restored buildings and replicas of the structures representing the various ethnic groups recruited to work in the plantations.

Session 37: Houston Origin stories

Anthony Guevara, Christy Poisot, Patlindsay Catalla

Panelists will each share their origin story, all which converge in Houston, Texas. Each had families that had different reasons to come to Texas at different times. Although their upbringings differ slightly, their struggles, values, and ideals converge in their vision and wish for the Filipino American Community in Houston, Texas. Examples of topics they will discuss include: childhood experiences growing up in America, success factors leading to their leadership roles, and their challenges in bringing together the Filipino communities in Texas.

Session 38: Sustaining Our Roots Through Practice & Policy: Reflections of Filipino American Educator

Gem Daus, Patricia Halagao, Jose Paolo Magcalas, Judy Patacil

This session will consist of four individual paper presentations. Participants will share personal perspectives, as well as reflections about future directions for Filipino American studies.

  1. Teaching Ethnic Studies in Orange County: A Filipino American Experience by Jose Paolo
  2. Teaching Filipino American History by Gem Daus
  3. Integrating Study Abroad Programs in Filipino American Studies by Judy Patacil
  4. Language Policy-Making from the Ground-Up by Patricia Halagao

Session 39: Personal Perspectives from Social Justice Activists and Community Organizers (Invited Panel)

Rose Ibanez, Allyson Tintiango-Cubales, Gregory Cendana, Kalaya’an Mendoza, Ben de Guzman, Stephanie Chrispin (Moderator)

Throughout their history in the US, Filipino Americans have been involved in many social justice movements – from the United Farmworkers Movements to the fight for Ethnic Studies to their participation in #BlackLivesMatter. This panel will consist of extraordinary Filipino American organizers who have advocated for various issues concerning Filipino Americans and other historically marginalized communities. Represent various generations and geographic regions, panelists will share personal reflections and thoughts for the future.

Session 40: Understanding Sexuality with Filipino-Catholic Roots

Justine Ang Fonte, M.Ed, MPH

Through this workshop, attendees will learn the evolution of sexual health in the political Philippine culture as it relates to its impacts on population growth beginning with Marcos in 1965 to the passing of the Reproductive Health Bill under the Aquino Administration. Research findings and testimonials will be shared about the country’s first sex education 2-year pilot program in 2009, which is now defunct and the Population Development Education program sponsored by the Catholic institution of the University of San Carlos which is still being used in provinces today. The second and interactive part of the workshop will dissect how we can contribute to a more educated, inclusive, and sex-positive upbringing for the next generation of Filipino-Americans in order to embrace the diversity of sexual identities that fall across the entire spectrum, normalize humans as sexual beings, and access reproductive healthcare without judgment.

Session 41: PASACAT: 45 years of Philippine Dance & Music

Anamaria Labao Cabato

On September 7, 1969, during a salute to San Diego’s 200th Anniversary by the Filipino-American Community Association of San Diego County, San Diego witnessed the birth of this performing arts group in the first Philippine Cultural Extravaganza held at the Historical Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park. Fifty Filipino-American youths were taught traditional Philippine dance for the three-hour tribute. The enthusiasm from this performance was tremendous, as was the response to continue Philippine folk dancing. In November, 1970, PASACAT became the first formally organized Philippine Dance Company in San Diego. PASACAT provides year round programming at the PASACAT Center, a fully paid building through the Mrs. Philippines Contest from 1971-1980 and is one of the longest standing Philippine dance companies in the United States. They have hosted two Philippine Dance Gathering Workshops bringing Philippine dance enthusiasts together from the United Sates and the Philippines.

Session 42: Pinay Perspectives in Education

Alexandra Thomas

This panel will provide various perspectives of Filipina Americans in education. Participants will learn practical applications of how to engage students of all grade levels.

Session 43: From the Roots of Three Pre-1900 Manongs

Diane Rodill, Ph.D., Del S. (Danny) Placides, Pio DeCano Jr., Ph.D.

Between 1908 and 1910, three lone, teenage youths left the Philippines under compelling circumstances. They were all born in the late 1800s. They all came from different regions. They spoke different dialects. The geopolitical events of their times drove many of their choices as they navigated life. In an often hostile environment, they chose different paths with different outcomes. On the U.S. mainland, two ultimately settled on the east coast, one on the west coast. There is no evidence that the trio ever knew each other their entire lives. Yet, today they are the proxy for the mostly forgotten manongs of that era, bound together by a powerful trait of resilience, enabling them to survive and prosper in the face of injustice. From the roots of their nascent struggles, all three gained distinction in large and small ways. They blazed the trail and contributed to the future of all Filipino Americans and to America itself. To honor these pioneers and preserve the history, the panelists will offer insights of their manong fathers. Together they tell the potent story of the early Filipino diaspora.

Session 44: Filipino Americans in Health

Christy Poisot and Patlindsay Catalla, Gil Pilapil, Edna R. Magpantay-Monroe Ed.D., APRN

This panel will consist of three individual paper presentations:

  1. “Nurses of Houston” by Christy Poisot, Patlindsay Catalla
  2. “Different Folks, Different Strokes: Aspiration and Fulfillment Among Filipino Physicians in Postgraduate Specialty Training” Gil Pilapil
  3. “Philippine Clinical Immersion: A Faculty’s Self Reflection of Her Identity” by Edna R. Magpantay-Monroe Ed.D., APRN

Session 45: Filipino Art, Tattoos, and Indigenous Scripts

Kristian Kabuay, Lane Wilcken

This panel will consist of two paper presentations:

  1. “Philippine native scripts as identity, promotion and preservation in the Filipin@ American diaspora” by Kristian Kabuay. This presentation introduces the basics of pre-Philippine indigenous abugida scripts of the Philippines along with historical, cultural and Filipino American context. Philippine native scripts as identity, promotion and preservation in the Filipin@ American diaspora presentation will cover how to use scripts for cultural identity. Participants will leave the presentation with an understanding of our indigenous scripts that goes beyond the functional aspects.
  2. ”The Symbolism of Filipino Tattoos” by Lane Wilcken. In this presentation I will reveal the hidden meanings of designs that were once found throughout our islands. Hidden in the mnemonic symbolism of our skin art is our ancient oral histories, the shaping roots of who we are as a people. It has been said that, “a tree without roots cannot live.” So it is with us as Filipino Americans. When we dig down beyond the surface roots to the deep tap roots of our culture, we truly know our ancestors and ultimately, ourselves.

Session 46: Sharing Digitization Plans and Experiences

Maria Batayola, Lita Foster, Mariecris Gatlabayan, Cecilia Pelayre, and Julie Romero

FANHS National and its Chapters has been digitizing photos, slides, written materials, taped oral histories and old films to ensure their preservation and accessibility. FANHS National digital team invite you to share your plans and experiences so we can learn from each other and identify best practices. Topics include: digitizing photos, slides, documents, taped oral histories, and films.

Session 47 – Gathering Filipino American History through Journal Writing

Dorothy Laigo Cordova

Journal Writing is a written record of an individual’s recollections of a specific event or subject or of a certain time in his or her life. Since participants are asked to “reach down” to remember – it is often more personal than the traditional oral history process. This is also a writing project – but many people feel they cannot write. Since this project is simplified writing – participants usually have no problem putting pen to paper. Many past participants have continued to write. Some have written books. For more than 30 years Dorothy Cordova has used this group method to retrieve some of the most interesting and revealing memories and observations. Since only two or three topics are offered for the last session – a variety of responses on the same topic is gathered.

Session 48 – Filipinas in Nontraditional Work Roles

Marya Castillano Bergstrom

This panel will feature women who have or are currently working in non-traditional areas. They are some of our unsung achievers. There will be a Pacific NW Bell Telephone long distance operator who transitioned to US West as a field electrical worker / installer. Another panelist will be a graphic artist who also works as a deejay for entertainment celebrities in Los Angeles. Finally, we will hear from a retired head veterinarian for Carnation Dairy Farms in state of Washington. These will be the personal stories of first and second generation Pinays who landed in jobs where there were few women and even fewer ethnic minority women. These women will explain how they chose their fields and how they eventually got their positions. Again, these Filipinas are our unsung achievers.

Session 49 – Challenging Filipino American Youth to Consider, Communicate & Collaborate Activities & Programs within their Community

Ronald S. Buenaventura, Kaitlyne Dizon, Kayla Navarro

This workshop exposes teachers and student advisors on how to actively involve Filipino American youth in school-based and community-based activities through the use of graphic design, t-shirts & hoodies, spoken word, symbols, clubs & activities, field trips, along with themes connected to the Filipino American experience. This workshop will also share some of the challenges and obstacles that Filipino American middle school students endure, along with how to use appropriate, effective, and culturally-relevant interventions that will benefit students with life-long lessons.

Session 50: Alaskero Awakens!: Continuing the Legacy of the Alaskeros through Student Organizing

Jessica Petalio, Dennis Perez, Claudine Tungul, Rachell Gulanes, Ariana Salamat, Asia Leavitt-Miguel

This workshop will discuss how a collective of students at University of Alaska- Anchorage responded to the needs of the Filipina/o community at UAA by building an organization in solidarity with its students. This workshop will begin by introducing the history of the Alaskeros. The students of UAA will then share how the legacy of the Alaskeros have informed their identity as Filipina/o Americans who live in Alaska. The founders of the organization, now student advisors, will discuss their purpose in starting a student organization at UAA. They will also discuss the challenges they experience as they create an organization in a community where organizing and activism is not only limited, but divided. The students will then discuss the successes and challenges they have experienced as they develop their identities as a leader amongst their UAA peers and the larger Filipina/o community. The entire group will then discuss the impact they have made at UAA and their plans on moving forward. The workshop will end by presenting resources on building an organization in a community where organizing is limited and divided. The presenters aim to inspire and provide hope for Filipina/o Americans who struggle to create opportunities for their Filipina/o American peers in their different communities and contexts.

Session 51: Family and Individual Histories

Felicisima C. Serafica, & Ralph Langit, Jr, JoanMay T. Cordova, Leah Sicat, Lourdes J.C. Markley

This panel will consist of three paper presentations, all highlighting personal histories or oral histories of various Filipino Americans in the US:

  1. “Memories of Ralph Langit and The Filipino Social Club of New York” by Felicisima C. Serafica, & Ralph Langit, Jr,
  2. “The Story of My Life on This Earth: Braulio Maypa Cordova, 1911-1981” by Joan May T. Cordova
  3. “Transnational Narratives: Situating Filipin@ Voices in Diaspora” by Leah Sicat
  4. “Surviving a Student Visa Status” by Lourdes J.C. Markley

Session 52 : Filipino American History and Advocacy

Pio DeCano I I, Ph.D., Karen Buenavista Hanna, Christy Poisot

This panel will consist of three paper presentations, all highlighting issues related to advocacy throughout Filipino American history

  1. Diamond Anniversary Year 2016: DeCano vs.Washington State by Pio DeCano I I, Ph.D.,
  2. “Our Movements Are Only as Strong as Our Relationships:” Historical Trauma’s Impacts on the Filipina/o Radical Left From the 1970s Onward by Karen Buenavista Hanna
  3. My Grandfather’s Papers by Christy Poisot

Session 53: So You think You Can Write: Filipinos East to West – Remix: Sharing Experiences of Producing Books (Pecha Kucha Style)

Florante Peter Ibanez, Rose Estepa Ibanez, Dorothy Laigo Cordova, Rita M. Cacas, Mel Orpilla, Judy Patacsil, Roderick Labrador, Elisao Silva

A workshop panel of Filipino American focused books published under Arcadia Publishing by the authors. They will be exposing and sharing their challenges as well as their joys in researching families, organizations and individuals in order to document and preserve the Filipino American collective memories of local communities. Their goal is to encourage more books to be written. Each presenter will speak on a particular aspect of book creation/ research.

Session 54: LGBTQ Pinays & Pinoys (Invited Panel)

Angelo Santos, Leni Marin, Jaime Geaga, Charisse Ebreo

It is estimated that at least 10% percent of the US population identifies as part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer community. While LGBTQ people have been visible throughout the history of the world, the experiences of LGBTQ people are often not discussed within the Filipino American community. This panel will explore various themes affecting LGBTQ Filipino Americans in the US, including racism, heterosexism, transphobia, and intersectional identities. Given that FANHS 2016 falls during New York City LGBTQ Pride Weekend, we welcome all participants to attend the panel, so that they can learn more about the LGBTQ community and how to be more effective allies and supporters.

Session 55: Forgotten Soldiers

Donald Plata, Chris Schaefer, Major General Tony Taguba

This presentation will highlight the Forgotten Soldiers project by Producer/Director Donald Plata, who will discuss his interest in the Philippine Scouts, why and how he made the movie, and the fact that the film is intended for use as a tool to educate the U.S. public, particularly young Filipino-Americans, about the heroic legacy of Filipino and Filipino-American soldiers in World War II. Screenwriter Chris Schaefer will follow with brief comments on the wide distribution the film has had so far in the U.S. and the Philippines, the awards it has won, and the potential for FANHS chapters to utilize the film in their areas. General Anthony Taguba will discuss the Philippine Army military units who fought alongside the Philippine Scouts on Bataan, and will explain that although the film is specifically about the Scouts, the experiences depicted in the movie are representative of all of the Filipino and American soldiers on Bataan.

Session 56: Rise Up! Resist! Rise Up! Resist! Tools for Nonviolent Resistance

Kalaya’an Mendoza

Non-violent direct action (NVDA) continues to be one of the most effective tools in our arsenal in our struggle against oppression. This workshop focuses on NVDA tactics, ranging from blockades to police and crowd de-escalation to guerilla theatre. This workshop explores non-violence as a strategic weapon beyond life philosophy.

Session 57: Discovering the Mystique of the Present-day Filipinas and Filipinos in Hawai‘i

Patricia Brown, Maiana Minahal, Christine Teaño Lipat, Nicolita Marie “Nicki” Garces, Romel Dela Cruz, Darlene Rodrigues

The FANHS Hawai‘i State Chapter will provide reliable information that will heighten levels of awareness and understanding of Hawaii’s unique population of modern-day Filipinas and Filipinos.

Presenters will share their cultural and spiritual sources of strengths, that stem from our Filipino roots. Presenters will also share what others–Filipinas/nos included–are sometimes reluctant to share: self- reflections (cultural habits, adopted Americanism), and stories of our dead ancestors who visit us in forms of black moths and butterflies (spiritual beliefs).

Session 58: From Community Murals to Poetry to Storytelling: Filipino American History expressed through Art

Robert Francis Flor, Eliseo Art Silva, James Sobredo, and Steven Montalvo

This panel will consist of three paper presentations:

  1. “Alaskero Memories” by Robert Francis Flor
  2. “Gintong Kasaysayan Filipino American mural of Los Angeles: 20 Years Hence” by Eliseo Art Silva
  3. Mexipinos in Stockton: Documenting Filipino-Mexican Lives & Friendships by James Sobredo, and Steven Montalvo

Session 59: From Alaska to California to the East Coast: Histories of Various Filipino American Communities

Gabriel Garcia, Nestor Enriquez, Shannon Cristobal, Nickie Tuthill-Delute, Mark Tuthill, and Herb Delute

This panel will consist of three paper presentations:

  1. “Modern Day Alaskeros: Experiences of Filipino Fish Processing Workers at Dutch Harbor, AK” by Gabriel Garcia, Ph.D.
  2. “Filipinos coming to New York” by Nestor Enriquez
  3. “Farm Labor Camp System near Delano, CA” by Nickie Tuthill-Delute, Mark Tuthill, and Herb Delute

Session 60: Forgotten Philippine and Filipino American History

Sharon Delmendo, Ray Obispo, Jeffrey Acosta, Raymund Liongson, Elissa Ortiz

This panel will consist of three paper presentations:

  1. “Opening our doors to those who are persecuted: Philippines Holocaust Refuge” by Sharon Delmendo
  2. “Who were the Buffalo Soldiers?” by Ray Obispo and Jeffrey Acosta
  3. “”Covert Institutional Violence: An Attack on Our Rootedness” by Amanda Bacaro, Raymund Liongson, & Elissa Ortiz

Session 61: Simply FANHS = FANHS-tistic feats + FANHS-tastic facts

Allan L. Bergano, Damian Cordova

Since 1982, FANHS through extensive historical research has helped mold and shape today’s Filipino America. The years 1587 and 1763 along with designating October as Filipino American history month are just some of the FANHS-tastic Facts most Filipino Americans are now aware of. The next challenge is to designate each day in October as a way of honoring our heroes and she-roes. The purpose of this workshop is to initiate this process. However, before this discussion could begin, workshop attendees will have the opportunity to address:

  1. Who and what is FANHS?
  2. Obstacles overcome in making FANHS a true national organization.
  3. Obstacles overcome in designating October as Filipino American history month.
  4. Cordova Day: Pros and Cons

FANHS 2016 National Conference Planning Committee

Conference Coordinator
Kevin Nadal, Ph.D.

Authors Panels (Thursday Night)
Brenda Gambol (Chair)
Alex Thomas

Fashion Show (Thursday Night)
Ermena Vinluan (Co-Chair)
Sharlene Aquiler (Co-Chair)

Film Festival
Marissa Aroy (Chair)

Entertainment (Program for Wednesday/Friday Night)
Renee Floresca (Co-chair)
Andre Ignacio Dimapilis (Co-chair)
Kilusan Bautista

Exhibitors/ Vendors/Silent Auction
Lorial Crowder (Chair)
Nancy Bulalacao-Leung
Stephanie Chrispin

Family Program
Claro de los Reyes (Chair)
Lorial Crowder
Renee Floresca
Andre Dimapilis

Financing/ Fundraising/ Logistics
Rose-Ann Ubarra Cunanan (Chair)
Dolores Alic
Stephanie Chrispin

Kevin (Chair)
Rose Cunanan
RJ Nadal
Cecile Sison
Jackie Tabaco

Programs Committee (Proposal Review, Program Book)
Alex Thomas (Chair)
Rose Cunanan
Brenda Gambol
Dina Maramba, Ph.D.
Cecile Sison, Ph.D.
Andre Ignacio Dimapilis

RJ Mendoza-Nadal (Website)
Joey Tabaco (Social Media)
Kirklyn Escondo (Communications)

Alex Thomas (Chair)
Dolores Alic
Joey Tabaco
Jackie Tabaco

Stephanie Chrispin (Chair)
Claro de los Reyes
Kilusan Bautista

Kirklyn Escondo (Chair)
Joey Tabaco
Nancy Bulalacao-Leung