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Congratulations to Dr. Ronald Buenaventura!

Our very own Ron Buenaventura, longtime FANHS trustee and Los Angeles Vice President, was awarded his Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy from Pepperdine University. His dissertation focused on FANHS Los Angeles Chapter partnership and community-base focus.

FANHS Speaks Out on the New Film CESAR CHAVEZ

FANHS argues that the film misses an opportunity to offer a nuanced and accurate history of the farmworkers movement that was born of the Filipinos’ 1965 Grape Strike because it does not emphasize the importance of the historic multi-ethnic alliance between Mexicans and Filipinos in the UFW.

Frederic A. Cordova 1931 – 2013

CONDOLENCES Frederic A. Cordova, 82, passed peacefully on December 21, 2013. Born June 3, 1931, in Selma CA to Margarita Pilar and Geraldo Umali, Fred considered Stockton, California, his hometown although as a child he lived in numerous California farm areas because his adoptive parents Leoncio and Lucia Cordova contracted migrant farm laborers. In 1948,…

2014 FANHS Biennial Conference

The FANHS National Conference will be July 31 –August 2, 2014 at the Kona Kai Resort & Hotel in San Diego, CA. The theme of the conference is Kapwa: Moving Forward in Unity.